ndustrial Robotics Training : handle a REAL 6-axis industrial robot!
no Adversiting.
For those who want to learn:
Robot control joystick
- Robot trajectory "Fisrt program" with 2 points: This is the most important level to understand Interface
- Robot trajectory using the MoveJoint instruction
- Robot trajectory using the MoveLinear instruction
- Robotic Handling process.
- Robotic Painting process.
- Robotic Glue process.
- Robotic Welding process.
-Robotic Deburring process : see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ewPzLdSUw
- Trajectory robot with obstacles to avoid
For industrial tourists :
- Demo 3D robot cell with CNC: Demo
- Basics of robotics: Learning
For artists:
- Magic Slate (Draw Mode): you can use with joysticks and export your drawings by email (no programming required)
ndustrial Robotics Training:处理真正的6轴工业机器人!
- 机器人轨迹“Fisrt程序”有2分:这是理解界面最重要的层次
- 使用MoveJoint指令的机器人轨迹
- 使用MoveLinear指令的机器人轨迹
- 机器人处理流程。
- 机器人绘画过程。
- 机器人胶水工艺。
- 机器人焊接工艺。
- 具有障碍的轨迹机器人避免
- 使用CNC演示3D机器人单元:演示
- 机器人基础知识:学习
- Magic Slate(绘图模式):您可以使用操纵杆并通过电子邮件导出图纸(无需编程)